Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Holiday Heaven

There is just something about a candle that makes an ordinary moment become extraordinary. I don't know if it is just taking a moment to stop and appreciate the scent or if it's the flickering glow of the flame, but either way it's pure magic for me. There are no words to describe my excitement when the holidays roll around and out comes the spiced chestnut candle from Williams Sonoma. Before you even open the box, you can smell the wonderfulness through the box. It comes in this beautiful frosted cocoa colored holder and the candle is a beautiful cream color. The scent of this candle is a tiny bit woodsy and spicy, but light. The best part is that even when you blow out the candle the scent lingers. It doesn't smell super manly and is actually a nice break from the usual super sweet scents. I know that Williams Sonoma does kitchen things right, but they sure know how to do holiday candles as well! If you haven't had the chance to experience this candle, you need to pick one up immediately. They don't last long and you will never want to blow this candle out.

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