Monday, September 9, 2013

Not So Average Pasta Sauce

While wondering the aisles of Central Market (usually a bad thing as I tend to get into trouble) looking for dinner inspiration, I came across this pasta sauce, Bean Good. The name was actually what drew me to the jar as that's not normally the name of a pasta sauce. Upon further review, I learned that this pasta sauce is made mainly from tomatoes and garbanzo beans which I have never seen before. It also has onion, olive oil, garlic, sea salt and spices. Sounded like a good combination to me so into the basket it went and of course I ended up trying it (since it was part of the dinner inspiration). I wasn't sure what to expect, but it turned out to be thinner than regular pasta sauce and did actually have subtle undertones of bean flavor. Fortunately, it didn't taste like just another red pasta sauce. It was a very light sauce which was awesome for me since I am not a huge sauce person. Just a head's up, if you are one of those people that has a side of pasta with your sauce you will probably use a ton of this sauce. This company also has two other kinds of sauces that I need to put on my list to try. This sauce is made with simple, good for you ingredients that turns a boring pasta sauce into something a bit extraordinary.

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