Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Nutella Cookies

So I know that I am a few days late on this, but don't worry I will try to play catch up over the weekend to get back on track. This month I have challenged myself to make one new treat everyday. I know a lofty goal, but hey why not end 2012 with a bang. Since my refrigerator and pantry aren't exactly stocked correctly for a month long baking project, I headed over to Supercook to see what I could make with what I had on hand. I found a recipe for Nutella cookies from Food Network and was ready to go. I am a huge Nutella fan and having it sit around is dangerous because it's so yummy. I have never used it in a recipe and figured this was a perfect time to try it. It was a super simple recipe that used only powdered sugar, butter, vanilla, flour, and Nutella. You are off by mixing the powdered sugar and butter together until light and fluffy. Then mix in the vanilla, gradually add in the flour, and finally beat in the Nutella. Some of the reviews said that it didn't have enough of a Nutella flavor, so I added more because you can never have enough, right?!
I will warn you that the batter does not look like normal cookie dough. Scoop out the dough onto parchment lined baking sheets, only putting each because they spread out. However, I only had two baking sheets so I put more than 12 on each (I'm such a baking rebel!) Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes, unless your oven is like mine and bakes super quickly. They will have an almost fudgy like texture, so don't worry if they don't look crunchy. Let them cool 5 minutes before cooling them completely on a wire rack. After they are completely cooled, you get to "roll" them in powdered sugar. Since they are somewhat flat, I am not entirely sure how that works, so I ended up just dipping the tops of the cookies. They were fudgy, melted in your mouth, and definitely had that Nutella taste to them. It was also suggested to add in some nuts, which might have been a good choice to add some texture. This is a great (and quick) recipe for those times you just need to whip up a batch of cookies.

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