Saturday, December 22, 2012

Banana Saver

Pinterest is not only an inspirational website, but it is also chock full of helpful hints for everything from home remedies to beauty tips to cleaning solutions. I have found some of the do-it-yourself spa treatments to work well, so I decided to try out this kitchen trick. I am slightly picky about my bananas and don't like them to be too ripe. I used buy green bananas and put them in the frig. They ripened a bit more slowly, but the skins got a little crazy looking and then I heard that it was bad to put them in the frig, so I started leaving them on the counter. However, they would ripen at lightening speed and go bad before I could eat them. I saw on Pinterest that if you wrapped the stems in plastic wrap and then in aluminum foil that it would make them last longer. I gave it a try and can definitely see a difference. The bananas ripened at a much slower speed and didn't get soft spots by the stems. This is a quick thing to do right after you get home from the store and will keep your bananas fresher for longer. If you have any other useful kitchen tips, feel free to share them!

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