Yesterday I was lucky enough to receive a surprise box in the mail! My hint was that I was getting something that would help me do some tasks that I couldn't do myself. Hmmm.... what would that be? There are many things that I need help with like reaching shelves, anything car related, or opening wines. I had a recent experience with an electric wine opener I had purchased that turned out to be a disaster, so maybe it had something to do with that. As I wondered what it would be, I opened the box and found that indeed I had been gifted with an new wine opener.
This time it was the Houdini from Target. The last one I had was also electric, however, it was a little harder to operate and not as easy to use as it seemed. I am sure that there was some kind of user error involved, but it just didn't work out for me. This one is cordless, rechargeable, and can open up to 30 bottles of wine with one charge. It is so easy to use that even I can do it! All you do is gently press straight down while pushing the down arrow. The best part about this opener is that you can see the corkscrew going into the cork and lifting it out of the bottle. You can see it pull out of the neck and then all you do it lift it out. There is no guessing about if is has made it through the cork or if it is ready to be pulled out. The clear bottom takes all the guesswork out. Once it is out, all you do is push the up arrow and the corkscrew retracts and the cork will just fall off. It probably takes about a minute and it is almost foolproof.
I used my new Houdini to open up this bottle of Pinot Grigio from The Naked Grape. This was just one I found while walking through the wine section at the grocery store. Though it had a very creative name and very light golden color, it was not as great as I thought it would be. It had a green apple and citrus taste, but it wasn't all the great. There was a very long and acidic finish to it that sort of fell flat. Though I wouldn't buy it again, I am glad that I gave it a try and was able to use my new electric, wine opener. Let me know what suggestions you have for me to try so that I can keep using my Houdini opener.
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